People willingly choose to endure intense exercise or painfully long and strict diets all the time. While that’s one way to stay healthy, we at Wise Goat suggest another easy and fast 3-second daily decision that could benefit your health for a lifetime. And by health, we mean whole-body health: emotional health, physical health, gut health, immune health… you get the idea.

In three seconds, whether it’s before a meal, after you wake up, or during your afternoon smoothie ritual, we suggest you throw back a ‘gut tonic’ to kick-start your probiotic pathway to health.

Benefits of Gut Tonics:
While it’s becoming more trendy in the U.S. these days, tonics and fermentation are not new to the global health movement. Hundreds of years ago, Chinese holistic medicine doctors were using brines and krauts to help their patients with all sorts of ailments. Gut health is linked to body-health. So when you gift yourself with a shot of probiotics each day, you won’t be surprised to begin experiencing all the benefits that come with a healthy gut. Some of these benefits include weight loss, reduced acid reflux, increased mood function, skin health, more energy, and less digestion issues.

WEIGHT LOSS? Absolutely. Your gut microbiome has much to do with optimizing your metabolism function. A healthy gut microbiome comes from diversity of organisms (which you can help diversify with gut tonics!). If your gut diversity is struggling, it may influence how frequently you feel hungry or how often you are inflamed, thus inhibiting successful weight loss.

DIGESTION? Totally. Many Americans, because of their standard diet of high sugar and processed foods, experience digestion issues including bloating, constipation, diarrhea, excess gas etc. All of these symptoms benefit greatly by increasing your probiotic intake.

MOOD AND COGNITIVE FUNCTION? Yes please! In 2019, Harvard Medical School published a not-so-surprising study on the effects of probiotics on the mind. Since the gut and brain are connected through the nervous system and digestive tract, and around 90% of our serotonin is used in the digestive tract, a healthy gut most certainly is linked to a healthy functioning brain.

Uses of Gut Tonics:
Don’t limit yourself to just a daily shot of these probiotic storehouses. While you should slowly grow your tolerance ounce by ounce, being mindful to only take small doses at a time, you definitely don’t have to lose creativity in your intake. Below we’ve listed some must-try and need-to-know uses:

Don’t cook or heat your tonic or else you’ll lose its probiotic goodness
Super high in vitamin C, your ‘brine shots’ or gut tonics are great for marinating meats and veggies in.
Experiment by mixing up your tonic with some of your favorite oils, vinegars ,and spices to make a zesty and flavorful salad dressing.
As soon as you begin feeling under weather or experience general illness symptoms, throw back a tonic to receive its natural antibiotics
Mix a splash of your gut tonic with some of your favorite natural juices, smoothies, or teas.