Serves 3-4 people

-5 cups of roughly chopped potatoes and sweet potatoes
-1 onion, chopped
-¼ cup green garlic, including bottoms and tops, diced
-⅓ cup apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar
-4 tbs olive oil
-1 tbs honey (less if you have a higher portion of sweet potatoes than potatoes)
-1 cup Wise Goat Sauerkraut
-Salt and Pepper to taste
-*Optional: one bunch of roughly chopped kale


  1. On a medium sized baking sheet, line the chopped potatoes and sweet potatoes. Cover with 2 tbs olive oil, salt, pepper, and minced spring garlic. Bake in oven at 375 for 25-30 minutes or until tender to poke with a fork.
  2. While potatoes are baking, heat remaining 2 tbs olive oil over low/medium heat. Add chopped onion and saute for 5-10 minutes or until fragrant, then add in vinegar, honey, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  3. Remove potatoes from the oven and toss in a bowl with liquid/onion mixture. If you would like to add kale, now is the time to mix your raw pieces in the bowl!
  4. Toss in your favorite sauerkraut then serve warm.